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Monday, October 26, 2020

Report documents Myanmar army rape of Rohingyas

 Tribune Desk
October 25th, 2020

File photo of a Rohingya camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh Syed Zakir Hossain/Dhaka Tribune

Interviews with health workers who have treated Rohingya survivors in Bangladesh corroborate allegations of sexual violence by the Myanmar military

A new report from Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) has documented widespread sexual violence committed by the Tatmadaw, the armed forces of Myanmar, and Myanmar security forces against the Rohingyas.
The massive campaign of violence in August 2017 drove more than 720,000 Rohingya into neighbouring Bangladesh.

Doctors, nurses, mental health experts, and other health professionals, who provided direct medical services to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh camps, gave accounts of the huge physical and psychological toll of sexual and gender-based violence on Rohingya women, girls, men, boys, and transgender and gender fluid people.

The research builds on PHR’s work documenting human rights violations in Myanmar for more than 15 years.

PHR research

Following the August 2017 “clearance operation” carried out by Myanmar security forces and Rakhine Buddhist civilians in Rohingya villages across Myanmar’s northern Rakhine State, PHR teams conducted forensic examinations of survivors in what is now the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar. 

The research teams gathered qualitative and quantitative data documenting the grave human rights violations committed against the Rohingya by Myanmar armed forces, including long-term disabilities resulting from the 2017 attack. 

PHR’s new report, “Sexual Violence, Trauma, and Neglect: Observations of Health Care Providers Treating Rohingya Survivors in Refugee Camps in Bangladesh,” presents qualitative data gathered through interviews with 26 health care workers from a variety of humanitarian organizations -- who provided direct care to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh for some period between August 2017 and August 2020. 

 Link : Here

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