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Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

PM Hasina seeks Chinese cooperation to repatriate Rohingyas

BSS Beijing
Updated: 10 Jul 2024,  

A high-level Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a very important wing of the Chinese Communist Party led by its Chairman Wang Huning called on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing on 9 July 2024BSS
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Tuesday called upon China to help Bangladesh repatriate the forcibly displaced Rohingyas to their homeland in Myanmar.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Rohingya Return: Myanmar to allow int’l volunteers

The Daily Star
Porimol Palma
Tue Sep 5, 2023 

Bangladesh delegation hold talks in Naypiydaw  

Photo: Reuters/File

Myanmar will allow international volunteers, including those from the UN, China and ASEAN countries, to take part in the humanitarian assistance programmes for Rohingyas during their repatriation to Rakhine.

The country agreed to this during a director meeting between Bangladesh and Myanmar in Naypiydaw yesterday, a member of the Bangladesh delegation to the meeting told The Daily Star.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Blinken holds first call with Chinese counterpart

Tal Axelrod -


Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with his Chinese counterpart Friday, the first conversation between the two diplomats amid an adjustment in the relationship between Washington and Beijing.

Blinken had a phone call with Chinese Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi to extend his best wishes for a happy lunar new year, according to a readout of the call from the State Department. The secretary of State pushed Yang on reports of human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang and the crackdown of civil rights in Tibet and Hong Kong, among other security-related issues.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

WHO team meets with Chinese, plans to visit key Wuhan sites

January 29, 2021
Chinese attendees, some wearing tags which reads “Expert Team,” walk to a restaurant after leaving a conference area where World Health Organization team of researchers are meeting their Chinese counterparts in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei province on Friday, Jan. 29, 2021. (AP)

  • Their first in-person meetings should be followed by the first field visits in and around the industrial and transport hub

WUHAN, China: World Health Organization experts in Wuhan, China, to look into the origins of the new coronavirus met with their Chinese counterparts Friday and plan later to visit sites in the central city that will be key to their long-awaited fact-finding mission.

“First face to face meeting with our colleagues. Correction: facemask to facemask given the medical restrictions,” Dutch virologist Marion Koopmans tweeted around 9:30 a.m. (0130 GMT).

“Discussing our visiting program. China teamleader prof Wannian joking about some technical glitches. Nice to see our colleagues after lengthy Zoom meetings,” Koopman tweeted, referring apparently to top Chinese epidemiologist Liang Wannian, who has been a leader of China’s response team.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Chinese president heads to Myanmar for crucial state visit

Municipal workers sweep on a road near a welcoming billboard to Chinese President Xi Jinping Friday, Jan. 17, 2020, in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. China's President Xi Jinping was heading to Myanmar on Friday for a state visit likely to deepen the countries' already close bilateral relations at a critical time.Photo: Aung Shine Oo, AP 

NAYPYITAW, Myanmar (AP) — China's President Xi Jinping was given a lavish welcome to Myanmar as he arrived Friday for a state visit meant to deepen bilateral relations at a critical time.

The visit nominally marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Myanmar, but also carries the promise of significantly boosting China's profile and future investments.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Chinese Investment in Myanmar's Rakhine State Questioned

April 27, 2019
Libby Hogan 
Myanmar's defacto leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is welcoming businesses to invest in Rakhine State, more than a year and a half since a brutal military crackdown forced hundreds of thousands of minority Rohingya Muslims to flee into neighboring Bangladesh. Despite the push for investment, many residents in Rakhine State worry they will not see any of the benefits. Libby Hogan has this report from Kyaukpyu Beach in Rakhine State. 