Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revolution. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

[Book] China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution

John Peter Roberts21 January 2016

Page 1 of 23
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the revolutionary history of China, from the early 20th century to the present era of crisis, aided by a wealth of research which cuts across the many historical distortions both of bourgeois academia and of the Chinese Communist Party.

This book answers the questions:

  • What was the class composition and class nature of the Chinese Communist Party when it took power in 1949?
  • What forces pushed the Mao regime, despite its explicitly class-collaborationist strategy, to take measures which were objectively socialist and to establish the Chinese workers’ state?
  • The Chinese Revolution was a practical test of both Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution and Mao’s theory of uninterrupted revolution by stages. Which theory matched reality?
  • The degeneration of the Chinese People’s Republic to capitalism has been a second rigorous practical test of Trotsky’s analyses. Has his prognosis that without a political revolution to overthrow the regime, a Stalinist bureaucratic state would return to capitalism, been proved correct?

Monday, April 26, 2021

The women of Myanmar: ‘Our place is in the revolution’

Umayma Khan
25 Apr 2021

Some 60 percent of protesters against the military coup are women who fear their hard-won rights hang in the balance.

Protesters against the military coup in Myanmar are surrounded by women’s clothes which have been hung in the streets to keep soldiers and police away [Stringer/Anadolu]
Every day at sunrise, Daisy* and her sisters set out to spend several hours in the heat cleaning debris from the previous day’s protests off the streets of Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city.

Protests have erupted around the country since the military seized control of the government after arresting democratic leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, on February 1, and declared a year-long state of emergency.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

A revolution in the making is taking place in Myanmar

Khin Zaw Win
02 Mar 2021
Thousands took to the streets of Yangon, Myanmar, on 2 March 2021, the 30th day of protests against the military coup |ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

The military has made a blatant power grab, unseating the elected civilian government. That is the story in Myanmar, according to a legion of Western journalists and political analysts. There is a palpable unreality to these reports. Dramatic though the coup may have been, it is the aftermath that is seismic for the people of Myanmar.