Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Rohingya refugees' political group cries out for equal rights as Myanmar citizens

The Korean Times
By Jung Da-min
Posted : 2019-05-05 

Mohib Ullah, left, a leader of Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH), speaks through a megaphone during an evening gathering between ARSPH members and a group of foreign journalists in Kutupalong camp in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, April 16. Courtesy of W-TIMES

COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh ― The Arakan Rohingya Society for Peace and Human Rights (ARSPH) is a political awakening for Rohingya refugees who fled the "systematic persecution from birth to death" of the Myanmar government.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Rohingya Trading Identity for Partial Citizenship, More Rights in Rakhine State

The Irrawaddy
By Moe Myint 7 March 2019

Lawmakers take a rare stand for persecuted Muslims in western Burma after learning that the movement of about 500 people recently awarded citizenship remains restricted.

YANGON — More than half of the 7,000-plus Muslim Rohingya who have applied for citizenship in Rakhine State over the past three years have now been accepted following a wave of approvals in just the last few months, according to the Ministry of Labor, Population and Immigration.