Showing posts with label Muhammad Noor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muhammad Noor. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A Digital Nation for the Stateless Rohingya?

A team of Rohingya Muslims is using blockchain technology to forge digital identities for the persecuted minority’s diaspora.

A Rohingya refugee camp near Cox's Bazar

On the first floor of an unassuming building on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, three wall clocks are set to the times of Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Arakan, the former name for Rakhine state in west Myanmar.

It’s the hub of Rohingya Vision, a TV channel run by exiled Rohingya. Since 2012, the station has focused on the ongoing crisis in the Muslim minority’s Rakhine homelands. But in recent years the founders have increasingly turned their attention to the swelling ranks of Rohingya refugees. The newsroom now doubles as a base for a mission to unite and uplift the scattered diaspora.