Showing posts with label Media Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media Award. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Al Jazeera's 100 Faces of Rohingya wins Drum Online Media Award

May 01'2019

Photojournalist Showkat Shafi wins prize for powerful curation highlighting the portraits of 100 Rohingya refugees.
Showkat Shafi: 'As a photographer, I wanted to go beyond the numbers that these people were being reduced to' [Al Jazeera]  

Producer and photojournalist Showkat Shafi, of Al Jazeera English Online, won a prestigious prize for his photography on Tuesday at the Drum Online Media Awards in London.

The prize, in the category of Best Use of Photography, was for Showkat's 100 Faces of Rohingya, a powerful curation highlighting the portraits of 100 Rohingya refugees, aged three to 95, who were part of some 730,000 Rohingya forced to flee into neighbouring Bangladesh by the Myanmar Army.